The above image shows a Virus life cycle growth curve...
Now, let me explain more about it to give you a better understanding of this illustration!
The virus would first attach itself to the host and undergo it's replication cycle as explained earlier on in previous post, after which the virus would enter...
Eclispe/Latent stage
During this stage, there is a fall in virus titre as there are no infectious particles present in the infected host's bloodsteam while the virus is undergoing it's replication cycle.
Hence, the virus would not be detected by any external mediums whatsoever until it has been released.
Next, from the graph we can see a significant increase straight after the eclispe/latent stage.
This is known as the stage where the virus have burst, whereby new progeny virus has assembled and been released into the host's bloodsteam.
After being released into the person's bloodsteam, the body would begin to produce antibodies to fight the virus. After a certain period, the number of virus as can be seen from the illustration would begin to hold stable and soon after, decrease in numbers as the virus begins to die off.
After which, the infected host would recover completely and would be healthy once again!